We crossed 9 valleys, including two very broad ones, the Ciherang and the Cikereteg. Amazingly, after a hiatus of at least 7 years (in some places 10), the route is intact in all but one valley, a branch of the Ciherangsatim. In that small valley (the second from Cipare), previously planted in sawah, the land now belongs to Pk Rosadi of Bogor, who forbids further planting on it. So the former sawah has now become swamp (rawa), and the trails on it are now gone. By stepping in much mud we were able to find a way through the rawa, but I would recommend that we explore a new route next time from Cipare to Leuweunglarangan.
The high point of the trek was the crossing of the final valley, the Cikereteg, between Kmp Bojong Murni and Arca Domas. The floor of the broad valley bore a magnificent, lush carpet of sawah, in bright green, while the ridgeline ahead was covered with dark green pines. We crossed around 5 p.m., under high clouds and cool temperatures, a feast for the eyes but a tad dark for photos. Instead I show a photo (above) from the midday crossing of the smaller Cibedug valley.

Hopefully there will be time later this year to explore more of the Ring Route. While the guidebooks do not narrate the Ring Route as they do the circle routes, the maps do show it, so an intrepid navigator can find his way with the maps. If there is interest, I can prepare a file for download from the website, with GPS waypoints and brief descriptions. This would give GPS users a waypoint about every 300m on average. Just send me an email
about this with Ringroute in the Subject line. The photo L shows us eating very tasty bowls of bakso, in Kmp Cibedug, at an establishment that must be doing something right because it has been operating in the same place since 1991.

I walked from Nangleng to Lemahneundet Tonggoh last Sunday October 26.
Between Bangreng and Pancawati (square I2 on the map) there is a new village called Kampung Baru. There is also a small villa on the north side of the asphalt track in square I6 and a new house on the north side of the junction of the track and the footpath in square I9.
I got lost between the Ci Pondokmenteng and the Ci Bedug as there seem to be some paths which are not marked on the map.
I also found the section descending from the German cemetery to the Ci Sukabirus hard to follow as there are numerous paths not marked on the map. We eventually found walk B4 point C, but as we were tired and remembered that the descent into the valley there is rather steep we took the long way round via Sampalanlinja instead.
It was a good 9-hour walk.
Is there any prospect of the Sukabumi section of the maps being published any time soon?
Hi John,
Thanks for this comment, most welcome. It's good to know that someone else is also keen to walk the Ring Route. I'm of course a great fan of the ring route and would be pleased to join you for such a walk one of these days.
I have been talking with some other intensive users of the maps about setting up a small user group for sharing this kind of update info. We could share a site at Facebook or blogger or some such service, with a password known only to members, and post our updates there. Perhaps you'd care to join? Any suggestions of where to put the forum?
Yes, I'm familiar with Kmp Baru, but no plan to update the map anytime soon. No plans either for a Sukabumi map yet until there are more users of the existing 4 maps; the market is still just too small. The best we could do is prepare a narrative for the Ring Route, just as I've already done for the 4 circle routes in each sector.
Yes the descent from Arca to the Ci Sukabirus is difficult to follow, due in part to the recent purchase of the land by a Catholic agency, as discussed in an earlier post of mine.
I don't believe you've registered yet at the puncaktrek website. Please send me an email anyway so I can get in touch with you when we set up the user group. If I had known of your interest I would have invited you for our recent C3 hike as well.
Best regards,
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